Recent Catches At Mamie Lake

Roy(Tequila) Fox
Cabbage Weeds on 6 ft edge dropping to 9 ft. Mepps #3 dressed with Copper blade( Rollie and Helen’s). Nice 30 incher!

Cullen Kelley
nice little walleye while knight fishing

Roy(Tequila) Fox
Muskie Queen!!! Second in two trips out,🔥🔥Lady on fire! 26 inch, #3 Mepps

Roy(Tequila) Fox
5.3#, 21 inch caught off the dock on a Tequila Senko. Nice LMB for the Northwoods.

Roy(Tequila) Fox
20 inch,3#. #3 Mepps casting around wood and cabbage in 5-7 ft of water.

Roy(Tequila) Fox
Took my Honey fishin’, and she took me to school. 30 inch , heavy bodied pike, Mepps #3 Red/White.

Roy(Tequila) Fox
Jumpfest! #3 Mepps dressed red/white blade

Roy(Tequila) Fox
Can’t catch 5 keepers to save my soul! 2- 19 1/2, 20 1/2 and 21 1/2. Released 6 pike and 1 SMB. Mepps #3