Recent Catches At West Bay Lake

Roy(Tequila) Fox
A bit nippy today. Water at 56, air at 50, wind at NW 14. 23 inches, #4 Mepps dressed aglia.

Roy(Tequila) Fox
4 ft of water, Cabbage and rocks, dropping to 9 ft. Mepps #3 Aglia dressed with Copper blade. Slow presentation.

Roy(Tequila) Fox
And baby makes 3 (this season). Only 17 inches, but fought like a lunker. Any Muskie is a thrill. Good to see natural reproduction.

Roy(Tequila) Fox
Lady on fire🔥🔥🔥!!! Wife beat me again. Nice 27 inch Northern . Too big for her to hold.

Roy(Tequila) Fox
Beautiful 34 inch Tiger Muskie. Rock/woody point. #3 Mepps Aglia/Firetiger. Cisco Chain fighter. Cousin’s first Muskie.

Roy(Tequila) Fox
Bulky 27 inch Pike on #3 Aglia Mepps. 4ft with cabbage at 2-3 ft. Very light pick up, good fight.

Roy(Tequila) Fox
Beautiful 35 inch pike on 6# p-line, no leader. Taught my son well!

Roy(Tequila) Fox
35 inch, 15# Barred Muskie. 20 minute fight,8# P line, #3 Mepps Firetiger, bumping shallow rock.