Fishing At

Winoosky River

91 Catches
Winoosky River is located in Washington County, Vermont. Download FishAngler to find the best places to fish at Winoosky River. Get local fishing reports with detailed catch information, weather conditions, top baits and more.
Access & Amenities
Boat Dock
Boat Ramp
Trailer Parking
44.310673, -72.695787

Recent Catches At Winoosky River

Ryan Jones

Chittenden County, Vermont

Got out salmon fishing at 6:30 this morning. I had 1 salmon follow my streamer to my feet, but nothing else. Caught this later on. Probably not getting out salmon fishing until next week.


Ryan Jones

Chittenden County, Vermont

Got out salmon fishing last night and this morning, 5-7pm and 6-7:30 am. There are a bunch of fish in the river. Last night, me and some other guys were fishing, nobody caught anything, but the fish were there. There was only a small window of time around sunset where a bunch of fish started moving around, possibly eating emergers, but before that, I didn't see any fish in the river. This morning was a bit different. I spooked a fish when I fist got there and had a follow around 7. Again, the fish were most active around sunrise. I was actually able to get a bite for the first time, but I missed the strip set. After thst I caught 2 smallies and had another salmon follow my streamer. Compared to only getting one take on a dry fly in the past year and a half, this is a success. I think I might have to start setting my alarm to 5:30 instead of 8:00 for the next month

Smallmouth bass
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Ryan Jones

Chittenden County, Vermont

Got out on the river yesterday. Brought the fly rod as well as the spinning rod. Tried for some smallies at first, throwing a 5 inch glide bait. I saw at least one nice fish swipe and miss it. Then tried for salmon above the riffles, but only caught a few little smallmouth. The water is stupid low right now, so hopefully we get some rain soon to bring fish into the river

Smallmouth bass

Taylor Craft

Washington County, Vermont

Black flies have been insane this spring! Put in dayss, up and down this system to track this fish down. Look at that chunk missing from her tail. BROWN TOWN BABY!

Brown trout
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Taylor Craft

Washington County, Vermont

Brown Town Baby!

Brown trout
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Ryan Jones

Chittenden County, Vermont

Caught a couple 1lb smallies in the salmon hole Friday evening. I've probably gone there 6 times, and I have never seen anyone catch a salmon while I'm there. I here of people that catch them, but I've yet to see it with my own eyes. Hopefully I can get one before the seasons over

Smallmouth bass

Ryan Jones

Chittenden County, Vermont

First salmon of the season. Hopefully, they will only get bigger. Saw him jumping for flies, and caught him on a Griffiths gnat

Atlantic salmon

Taylor Craft

Chittenden County, Vermont

Nice start to some fall fishin, little chromed up steehead

Rainbow trout
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Winoosky River?
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