Recent Catches At Calcasieu River

Reeve Savoy

William Bickel
Nice haul of crab, croaker and a good size black drum!

William Bickel
Guys next to me pulling in a beautiful red. Lucky dogs came down to louisiana for vacation got their license and pulled in this beast right next to me!

William Bickel
My good sized drum i pulled in

James Padilla
Just shy if 4". Was a good fight and it was caught using live shad on a wire lead with 3/0 octopus hook.

William Bickel
First catch of the day. No skunk for me

William Bickel
Biggest catch ive had in a while. Still not keepers but also still put up a decent fight

William Bickel
This lil guy trying to take bait 3/4 his size. But still hooked em!