Recent Catches At Sabine River

Richard Luna
My first spotted bass, as well as my first Louisiana bass🤙🏽🤙🏽

Zac Hammontree

Zac Hammontree

Zac Hammontree

Zac Hammontree
What a special fish, I never thought I'd hold a live one from Louisiana. This is a Blue sucker, it's a threatened species only found in the Sabine River and the Mississippi River in Louisiana. I don't get excited about much but this little fish had me laughing with joy.

Zac Hammontree

Zac Hammontree

Zac Hammontree
Another satisfied customer, Eddy Lara here landed multiple carp and buffalo on a guided trip with me yesterday. He was an absolute legend landing a 20lb 34in common with an ultra light rod and 10lb line. The fish got him snagged twice but we managed to get the fish out of the snags and into the net. Remember folks I am a full time carp and buffalo angling guide so if you wanna catch actual big fish let me know.