Recent Catches At Sabine National Wildlife Refuge Wetland

Ethan Winstead

The Texas Bassassinator
Release vid of this MOMSTER PB RED DRUM caught on a 1/0 Circle hook with fresh dead shrimp. Over 5 minute fight (didn’t want to lose another beast?) to land. She had a big ole’ b-hole (worms indicator) and a FAT BELLY! Released her to go make some more BIG BABIES! You’re welcome!!

The Texas Bassassinator
Caught this bad mamma jamma on a 1.0 Circle Sea hook! I am 6’6” for reference. My new personal best Red Drum! #CNR

Ethan Winstead

Mitchell Smith

William Bickel
My poor bobber after the gator decided the gar shouldnt have all the fun!

William Bickel
Caught a couple of these gar out by holly beach. So many of em out there you just had to drop a line anywhere and boom fish on! Love the teeth on these lil beasties

William Bickel
This lil guy kept trying to eat my bobber and succeeded in snagging it while i had a gar on the line. Lil joker was tryin my patience.