Recent Catches At Thames River

Seth Layes
AWE YEAH! Finally a chubby one out of my spot- did not expect it to be a bass. Didn’t fight all that well but it felt like a snag off a big branch or rock at the bottom. W day. He must have been at least 4 pounds, what yall think?

Seth Layes
Perch used as bait

Jenni Dub
Made it out to Pittock yesterday. Nothing but Bullheads. The Blue Green Algea is so bad there 😫

Seth Layes
At last! Skunk broken.

Seth Layes
My girl caught this long beauty after two hours of work.. spent another two after that and I myself got nothing. Skunked for the first time in a while but I guess that’s the way it goes sometimes. Good looking bass though.

Seth Layes
Skunk breaker Dink released within 20 seconds-

Seth Layes
Decent guy today.. happened to be the rod breaker, unfortunately. Piece of shit Shimano SLX two piece 7 foot medium fast- never buy, broke with such ease it’s pathetic.

Katie M
First catch of the season! So pumped!