Recent Catches At Grand River

Taif Al-Taweel

Tim Hook
Caught this by my own fly. Tied it a day before fishing and it worked well.

Edwin B.
Beautiful Sunday afternoon, so in my travels I couldn't resist... Surprised to see a couple of LMs show up. That's the Grand for you, you never know... 👍😎🐟🎣


Jeff Cowan

Dallas John
Figured I'd cast a few after my tims run. Had some luck. Have a good day! Caught and released on a jig head

Reuben Williams
I don't touch these things and was not expecting to catch this on that spinner

Edwin B.
#Catch24 and then a cpl of smallies... despite the slow bite, a great time as always. Sure beats being at work. Today back to the grind... Tight lines y'all! 👍🎣🦈😎