Recent Catches At Rainy River

Reid White
New PB light work😁😁

Whalen Chabot

Laurence Bryant

Casey J
"Blue" Rainy River eye. The colour had our jaws dropped, without question. Interestingly enough, the guys nearest to us said they had a small run earlier in the day of "blue" tinted fish in the same general vicinity (+/- 1/4 mi.) I'm around 20+ years fishing LOTW, close to half that on the River, and never have saw a fish with a pigmentation remotely close to that before. It was really crazy to see in person, under that lighting. Curious to hear some of your thoughts on this. As you can clearly see, the middle photo has a filter applied to show comparison, whereas the other two are natural lighting. edit: the "blue" is most noticeable in the tailfin, and pectorals.