Recent Catches At Holland River

Tim Hook
Another big pike with tiny hook. You can see the hook on her mouth

Tim Hook
Caught this today with ultralight set up

Tim Hook
Bass with ultra light gear 🥰

Pro Bos
My PB Bluegill

Tim Hook
Fly works well with Yellow Perch as well

Tim Hook
Fly fishing works very well with Sunfish. I will try to catch as many species as I can by fly rod. Why not? 🤣🤣

Hooked with Saj
Got some decent-sized blue gill. It was great seeing over 20 anglers on the bank.

Pro Bos
Everything felt dead today in the Holland Marsh not a bite or a swirl in sight. Hit up six different spots without luck, so I figured I’d give one last try at a spot I usually skip. Sure enough, as soon as I cast in, got this little guy to strike on a Mepps Aglia #4 spinner.