Recent Catches At Frenchman's Bay

Sharp Hookz
Late season ice caught me my personal best pike 38incher! Captured the fight on video, check it out on my YT channel SharphookzTV

jj P

Victor Plaza

Danny Liu
Only 1 on Saturday after a long day of paddling around :( Had multiple follows and bites that I eventually lost my lure to. A clean cut in the leader revealed it was a massive pike.

Pro Bos
I hooked this one on an inline spinner. Went out for pike, threw everything at them with no luck, then tied on a spinner and nailed this one on the second cast.

Victor Plaza

Danny Liu
First trip with the kayak trailer! I think Feng Li transferred all of his luck to me today lol. 4 big fish landed for me only lol Bad day to forget the big net. Pike did a booty shake when I picked him up and gave me a kiss on the hand. Ned rig has absolutely proven it's worth to me.

Janesh Mohan