Top Fishing Spots To Catch Greater redhorse

Alexander Nguyen
*** 1 Hour Lunch Break Challenge ** Not what I’m usually after, but a fun catch nonetheless! #Catch24
Saturn '
Some baitfishing fun off the banks today!
Cole Huber
Caught this in July couldn't get the hook out so had to let it go with the hook in 😞
Ciprian Bunea
Another redhorse. Seems a lot of them this year here.
Derek Lévesque
Plage Jean Bernard
Ciprian Bunea
Very small. But gave my son a little fight for Canada Day!
Moose Fishfinder
Thought this was a Carp at first but now that I look at the picture I'm thinking Sucker. If it is a Sucker, what kind is it? Redhorse, maybe? HELP ME!!! 😆
Kayla kd
My oldest got a few of them today