Recent Catches At Unnamed / Enterprise Pkwy Pond

Justin Peters
Bigger then his guy yesterday. Going right direction, he is. Haha

Justin Peters
This guy and his Ned rig been doin good lately.

Justin Peters
And she didn't wanna go! Got her 1st 2 bass today.

Justin Peters
The professional!

Justin Peters
My brother n law came in from Oregon for the week. So we took him to have some fun! He qasnt suppto out fish me tho. Haha

Justin Peters
Lost one, landed one. Typical. Haha

Justin Peters
He hooked a descent Bass before this, but I saw it cut the line on a rock. He was still happy with this Bluegill tho. Good sportsmanship!

Justin Peters
She likes to catch the smallest ones. Thinks they're cute. Haha