Recent Catches At Lake Trashmore

Chad Wisotzkey
1 and done but I’ll take a 5lber any day.

Joe Cool
Hot Dogs And Patience

Josh Overton
Caught this bad boy at Mt trashmore VA on the way back to TN

Chad Wisotzkey
It’s been a while but had a great weekend can’t complain one bit and all solid fish biggest was right at 5 pounds but I love catching those three pounders all day long

Chad Wisotzkey
And the big Girls are starting to move up its almost that time again.

Chad Wisotzkey
Found a few 🐖 in the cold weather can’t complain one bit.

Chad Wisotzkey
These didn’t make the cut for the tournament but it was a good morning to say the least

Chad Wisotzkey
#9=18in cull for 17incher