Recent Catches At Missisquoi River

Jason Right
Little Snot Rocket. Not anything like what [deleted user] hauls in. I caught a second one but didn’t bother with a picture. If I can release them without bringing them in the boat and sliming the whole place up I do it.

Jason Right
Little Bronze.

Jason Right
Another bronze on the speed wake.

Jason Right
My first LMB in a while. Was the second fish of the day first thing this morning.

Jason Right
First fish of the morning. A really nice Bronzeback smashed the speed wake. Was only about 5 minutes after I started. Good one to start on.

Jason Right
Went to a new section of one of the local rivers I’ve not been to before. Found nothing but dinks. Saw a really nice bald eagle though. I tried to do my best Michael Hawkins impression for the dinkiest of the dinks. I don’t think I quite nailed it. Dinks > 🦨

Jason Right
And the littler brother.

Jason Right
Bronzeback! Hit on top like he was owed money. Good fight beauty of a fish. May be the nicest SMB I’ve landed.