Recent Catches At Lake Melissa

Mason Kopl
Becker County, Minnesota
A successful day

American yellow perch
3 lb

Mike Ristvedt
Becker County, Minnesota
Love catching them on new tactics and old lake! Trolling 2mph, 100ft lead core line in 29 feet.


Mike Ristvedt
Becker County, Minnesota
My face says “I’m walleye fishing man!” But inside my legs were shaking from the battle.

Northern pike

Nikolas Schmitz
Becker County, Minnesota
#2020BassOff Hopped the boat from the lake my parents cabin is at to the adjacent lake. This lake has invasive species, so I’ll have to run through the boat wash before dropping her back in my parents lake. This is the second biggest bass I’ve caught in this lake!

Largemouth black bass
3 lb 3 oz