Fishing At

George Lake

9 Catches
George Lake is located in Fairmont, Minnesota. Download FishAngler to find the best places to fish at George Lake. Get local fishing reports with detailed catch information, weather conditions, top baits and more.
Access & Amenities
Boat Dock
Boat Ramp
43.656209, -94.47093

Recent Catches At George Lake

Ryan Dollen

Martin County, Minnesota

Black bullhead
1 lb 0 oz

Jeff Fournier Relentless Fisherman

Martin County, Minnesota

My brother Greg came up to visit me from California Professor/Author and spent a day fishing of course, the weather was cool and windy and the bite was slow but we managed to catch some crappies between 10 and 12 inches. Fish on.

Black crappie
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Jeff Fournier Relentless Fisherman

Martin County, Minnesota

Couple Black and a couple White crappies today and a dozen Channel Cats. Unfortunately I lost a PB crappie today like a 16 incher as I was lifting it into the boat, guess that one should have been netted. It was a fun day tight Lines.

Black crappie
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Jeff Fournier Relentless Fisherman

Martin County, Minnesota

Fished on the Fairmont Chain today and had a rough go of it in blistery cold windy weather that's passing through Minnesota on this Sunday it got down to 49° with 20 to 25 mph winds and very thick lake grass everywhere to add insults to injury. Ok Jeff stop whinnying we did manged 16 keeper bluegills and Yellow bass. Dan caught the only catfish and I released a few drum.

Channel catfish
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Jeff Fournier Relentless Fisherman

Martin County, Minnesota

Couldn't find the game fish after trying all morning in the Fairmont chain so went after bluegills and catfish and landed this 8 1/2 lb Channel cat which put me to the test.

Channel catfish
8 lb 11 oz
41 likes • 6 comments

Matthew Grisham

Martin County, Minnesota

Big bass

Largemouth black bass
5 lb 12 oz

Jeff Fournier Relentless Fisherman

Martin County, Minnesota

George lake action Fairmont Mn, fishing mostly been dead to slow but inbetween was a few good days.

5 lb 0 oz

Craig Fellersen

Martin County, Minnesota, United States

Large mouth, white twister on N. sd. If George lake

Largemouth black bass
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George Lake?
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