Recent Catches At Unnamed / Liz Moody Bvld Pond

Coby Cunningham
Lost a decent one today but got this guy at least I need to invest in a top water lure after I move which is the 13th of next month

Coby Cunningham
All bass day I caught 1 bluegill at least lil though forgot to take a pic

Coby Cunningham
Despite the gator following me I did catch 2 fish posting the other one in a few minutes cleaning right now

Coby Cunningham
Yeah no not happening lol

Coby Cunningham
He ate like 3 of my minnows this is why I don't get greedy I eventually caught em

Coby Cunningham
Caught three different bass in a span of minutes they were in a lil school

Coby Cunningham
Scared me on the retrieve

Coby Cunningham
#catch22 Lil dinks today fun none the less