Fishing At

Unnamed / Orange Park Northway Pond

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1 Catch
Unnamed / Orange Park Northway Pond is located in Bellair-Meadowbrook Terrace, Florida. Download FishAngler to find the best places to fish at Unnamed / Orange Park Northway Pond. Get local fishing reports with detailed catch information, weather conditions, top baits and more.
Access & Amenities
30.181083, -81.733897

Recent Catches At Unnamed / Orange Park Northway Pond

DiNo DiNardo

Clay County, Florida

literally had not caught anything in a week or so found this little spot figured I'd check it out.. caught a little bass yesterday... and caught three little ones today this is one of them ...but I know there's bigger ones in there and the thing is, this is a spot that I'm pretty sure isn't fished very much and that's exactly why you can actually enjoy yourself there because you can actually catch fish because of where it's at... people look at me like I'm weird when I tell them... but think about it how many people go somewhere like that to fish..... it's a pond why wouldn't you.... anyway the top water is King there I have had a couple bites underneath but the four fish I've caught there have all been topwater... and that's what I love about it it's fun to go there and catch the little dinkers just for fun when I went to go catch some serious fish then I'll go somewhere else.... but what makes this guy really special is that this is the first fish I ever caught on a baitcast reel and this is a brand new one that I just got yesterday as a present and I've been learning to use one for the last week... very excited

Largemouth black bass
16 likes • 3 comments

Most Caught Fish Species At Unnamed / Orange Park Northway Pond

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Unnamed / Orange Park Northway Pond?
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