Recent Catches At North Pacific Ocean (Belmont Veterans Memorial Pier)

El Raptor Of Earth
The homies gifted me some fish from their 3/4 day day before, they said, only catch is it’s whole fish, not gilled or gutted, to which I said fuxk yeah thanx!


El Raptor Of Earth
Took a couple of hours to go bait fishing. Tomorrow morning, these guys are helping me catch a halibut

Eric Lannon
Got rid of the sunk! Glow in the dark squid lure.

El Raptor Of Earth
Took my niece out fishing on the Belmont pier yesterday morning. I caught a bucket full of bait fish, she caught this huge top smelt! I’m glad she’s taking to it .

Jasper B
Finally starting to bite over here

Jasper B
My first bass off a pier

Michael Hermogeno
My 12 year old landing a small halibut from shore.