Recent Catches At Harveston Lake

Dean Emery

Berry Allen
Early bird gets the worm. 3 bass caught this morning .14oz .15oz 1.7lb

Jason C
Caught this cat on the last reel in, on the way to to calling it a night.

Jason C
Tiny little panfish this morning.

ChrisJiggs Fishing
Went to Hatveston for some fun because I was bored. Kept getting bites. Missed about 5 fish and caught 3. I caught a massive bluegill that was 9 inches and really fat.

Ryan Sellars
William caught a tiny bluegill at harveston today

Ryan Sellars
Caught a nice little large mouth bass today at harveston lake

Ryan Sellars
Went to Harveston today and will some caught a tiny blue gill. It was so hard to get his thumb in it