Recent Catches At Bristol Channel

Luke Purkiss
I could not believe this tonight… felt i had snagged the bottom then realised that something was moving… heavy and stuck to the bottom. Only caught this beauty on an Evobass lure. Insane fun on light equipment. 🤟🏼🤟🏼

Ed Bladon
On an eel

Luke Purkiss
On the boat as nothing from the shore recently… and what a day!! Countless Mackerel, countless Bass all around 40-52 cm, Scad & Pollack. 👌🏼

Brock Goodson
Spidercrab done the job

Alfie Kalber
Nice sized smooth hound off spider

Karl Winsper
smooth hound

Brock Goodson
5.5lbs on a sidewinder pb by far