Recent Catches At Bristol Channel

Luke Purkiss
Missed a couple that followed the lure but not fully committing. Then to fishing the tide all the way up just before dark on the point and got slammed hard by a really good bass… skirted round the rocks darting left, pulling my very tight drag and then darted abruptly right, beaching itself over shallow rocks before my lure came free of its mouth! Gutted!

Luke Purkiss
Plucked from the running current so gently… then an absolute head thrasher. So fortunate to land this one after being run across rocks. The line snapped at the lure clip right at my feet. 😅 luckily nowhere to escape. Caught 3 others too between 50 and 60

Luke Purkiss
As the winds dropped and the tide flooded the bass moved in. 3 in total tonight the 65cm was a real fatty, girthy & dark! A brute. Two smaller caught one of which wasn’t worth picturing.

Luke Purkiss
Missed where I wanted to fish at low today and due to surging bigger tides my marks had long gone by the time I arrived. A lot of weed and debris about along with discolouration from all the rain yesterday. Managed to sneak this chunky little fellow out over some structure left! 👌🏼

Luke Purkiss
💥64.5cm, 54cm, 50cm & a couple missed oppertunities! All on the outgoing tide. Which for me is not usually rewarding. Must be all the hot weather today and then a blaket of cloud with drizzle in the air nearby. Still very warm out, but a shed load of rain forecast for tomorrow. So perhaps the bass know .

Luke Purkiss
Lots of activity in moments all over the coast. Tried a savage gear seeker 30g for the first time for some distance and managed to find this chunk on third cast. Gave a good scrap.

Luke Purkiss
Another horrid wind this eve but all that hard graft paid off. This 66.5cm smashing this really obscure green coloured TT weedless! 💥 My good friend Tim managed to catch some of the action 👌🏼

Luke Purkiss
Couple of low 50’s this eve. Seriously hard graft today over 40,000 steps 😅 did see a couple of beauties but couldnt persuade them to take. Nasty wind and weather conditions again, considering we should be in summer!!