Recent Catches At Ganaraska River

Raul R
Managed to squeze into the crowd of "weekend warriors" and catch a few 3/3 before the "local regulars" showed up..LETS GO! 😄🥶🎣🥷

Aries Shi
She’s really a pro. She fought this beauty for almost 10 minutes because it wouldn’t easily give up. Began to appreciate the effectiveness and efficiency of bead float fishing for rainbow.

Aries Shi
Her very first winter (late fall) steelhead/rainbow trout. Caught this one using the trout beads only. Interestingly the trout wouldn’t bite the spawn sack so even with disbelief we finally decided to try the beads setup.

Leo Cavero

Ppn - Fresh

Ppn - Fresh
Fish On!!!!!💪. Great day at the Ganny.

jacob ma

Pokeking Pokemommaster
late chromer