Recent Catches At Lake Wahtopanah

Locklyn MacDonald

Chantal Solomon
My first master on Lake Wahtopanah! 30.75 inches What an awesome day!!

Locklyn MacDonald

Locklyn MacDonald

Tayden M
Picked up this master sucker randomly😭😂 actually was the weirdest thing buddy came up and ate 12 inch musky lure hook😂 nice fight on him

Tayden M
PB pike caught(master)‼️😨 giant gator‼️ thing was so mad it even bit back at the end😂😂 after mulitple hours of trying to get a giant pike with my buddy we finally got one in the net. So dam proud

Tayden M
First rock bass ever! Super cool little fish!

Tayden M
Little pike which smacked the top water heavy!