Recent Catches At Assiniboine River

Tayden M
Second ever, caught day after catching my first sockeye! So PB upgrade day after 😂😂!

Tayden M
My first saugeye ever caught today! Super sick catch! At first I thought it was just weird lookin walleye then thought it was a sauger then got told it’s a saugeye which is sickk! Hybrid things!

Tayden M
Last one from last night… planning on going and catching some more over next while! Hopefully a little bigger ones to😂

Tayden M
Another sturgeon! Little guys were going crazy tonight! 🦖🦕

Tayden M
Caught my first sturgeon ever last night! Then proceeded to catch 3 little guys in 2 hours! Cant complain😂🙏🏼 all of them put up good fights!

Tayden M
Just a pretty redhorse from the river a couple days ago. Picked it up while targeting sturgeon

Tayden M
Caught this 2 days ago down on the river🤷🏻 not super huge or anything just only one I’ve ever caught…

Tayden M
Another one 😂 not super big which I caught down at dinsdale 2 nights ago only one I’ve ever caught…