Recent Catches At Wabamun Lake

A. Baron
It's been fun learning hard water fishing this winter. Got a few small pike, some walleye and my first Burbot! One more time out this weekend. We will be after those big pike! Hope everyone is having a safe and fun ice fishing season

Maclean Carmichael
Great day, total was 5 walleye two pike and three burbot, only posted the biggest ones but wow was that last one a tank, 16 pounds and fat, so much fun this season. If you have any questions I’ll be happy to answer

Maclean Carmichael
Nice burbot off the bottom, put up a 5 min fight and wow was he worth it

Maclean Carmichael

Maclean Carmichael

Fishing Is More Than A Hobby
Just a 30 something inch pike, we were going for whites, got this guy though so not a skunk, 2 whitefish swam up to my wireworm and denied it! The nerve on these whitefish, they are my nemisis, ive tried for them since 2023!

Maclean Carmichael

Maclean Carmichael