Recent Catches At Lake Monduran

Mick Seahuntsunshinecoast
Australia's laziest Roof Tiler. Craig traveled up to lake Monduran and caught this Big Barramundi. Fish released.

Aron Templeton

Sea Strength
After three days hard fishing due to thunderstorms and rain, the barra finally came on the bite this morning at lake Monduran impoundment. Water temperature was up to 28 Celsius and barometric pressure high. Dropped one metery and landed an 82. Many trophy fish at the spillway yesterday waiting to make their escape to the sea for spawning. All gone today when the dam level rose to 103.3%. Lets hope they make it safely down river and survive.

Donald Troy Atkinson

Donald Troy Atkinson

Donald Troy Atkinson

Allan Kross
2 Barramundi caught. My wife caught her first at 99cm and mine is 105cm in Mondurran dam

Bill Bell
Caught on sun set slow trolling amongst bait school