Recent Catches At North Creek Canal

Nash Whitton
Nice little bream

Ethan Sheehan

Jai Gibson

Spotted Kus Kus *•*•H$K•*•*
WIND and a WHOPPER! 🐟 I had to run some errands a few towns south from me (in Ballina , NSW) and I thought I’d go early before the shops open to get a spot of fishing in. Well let me tell you THAT wind almost had me eating saltwater - twice. BUT despite the crazy gusts I managed 2 Bream in an hour with a Whopper 35cm one to add to my WOW list!!!! TIGHT lines everyone!! ❤️🐟💪🏻

Jai Gibson

Spotted Kus Kus *•*•H$K•*•*
My dad OUTFISHED me…but one BIG BREAM made up for it! I was blessed to have my dad visit again and of course we snuck out for another landbased fishing Session in Ballina. Well let me tell you…the old fella well and truly whipped my butt. He kept pulling out fish after fish…I was super stoked for him but also a little jealous lol 😂🫢 I did manage a stonka of a Bream though so my sadness was not too severe. Another great day out with dad with hopefully many more to come. Make sure you check out all the action on YouTube. Tight lines Everyone! ❤️🐟💪🏻

Spotted Kus Kus *•*•H$K•*•*
Catty Catfish…did some creek exploration and also visited a usual haunt. Amongst the usual Bream I also managed a few cats. Baby oneeyed cat and its bigger cousin. I think we call them forktail catfish here but not sure. They sure put up a great fight! 🐟💪🏻

Spotted Kus Kus *•*•H$K•*•*
The HIGHS & LOWS - A typical FISHING day! PART II…☺️😂😢😆😓😜😖 So I’m still in Ballina, NSW AND I moved to Spot Number 2. Well what the actual heck. I have never hooked onto such a HUGE Bream EVER! But my line was simply not able to handle such a beast (3 times). I’ve been to this particular spot many many times and have never experienced such quality swimming. I really must bring a net next time. I did manage some good sized fish after the fact but the memory of the Beast will haunt me for a while. Spot 2 produced 6 Bream (3 legal). PART II: Is OUT NOW on YouTube: Follow the amazing UP & DOWN journey that is KUSSY’S brain & heart along with a MOOD METER hahahaha 😜😂😢☺️😓😆😝 Tight Lines my Friends! 🐟❤️💪🏻