Recent Catches At Gulf of America (N)

Jerry Norton
Mf put a good fight

Kieran Kidder
Just got back from a great trip with my boys to Venice Louisiana. Had to deal with really high winds so we weren’t able to target what we wanted the first few days, but we made the best of it. We had a blast fishing right off the back of houseboat that our hostess with mostess Nicole Spence put us up in. While she was making us delicious dinners we were catching dinosaurs off the dock! We caught 4 mondo black drum, with the biggest pushing 50lbs, and we hooked 3 alligator gar and landed one. Our last day we smoked the bull reds and I also got my first ever blue catfish #goodtimes #blackdrum #alligatorgar #bullredfish #blucat #bayoufishing

Alex Schaefer