Recent Catches At Eastern Celtic Sea (HAs 13;17)

Chris Warren
Nice fish on strong current

Craig Murphy

Pierce Maher
Beautiful seabass put up a great fight!

Chris °
Couple of small pollock on a lovely spring morning.

gabriel mateescu
Happy Pollock Day..

Ciaran Pegman
No fish. Just dogs

Marijus Vaskelis
Its been like 15 years since ive caught my first three-bearded rockling, from a rocky mark in Norway. Back than i didnt even knew what was it called.. So 15 years later (i mean yesterday) caught my 2nd and 3rd rockling 👌Nothing special, but still, great looking fish from amazing looking spot (will post fishing log about that spot anytime soon).

Dina T.
it was an amazing day wit a lot of sea bass...