Recent Catches At New Port River

Charles Flynn
3 yesterday tough fishing had loads of takes just weren't hooking up right but still a good day tight lines everyone and set that hook 🤦🤣🐟🐟🫡

Charles Flynn
Finally got a sizable trout after many a day on the river this little beast came out of nowhere and smashed my repala just under 4 pound had 6 more little ones too great day on the river tight lines everyone 🎣🎣🎣☝️😉

Charles Flynn
Had 11 today these were the biggest up to 53 now not a bad season at all 🎣🎣☝️😁🫡

Charles Flynn
Just the four today and I had a pike earlier in the day so not a bad days fishing tight lines everyone ☝️💪🫡

Charles Flynn
Had eight today on a quick session only out for an hour 🎣🎣🎣

Charles Flynn
Had this guy follow my rapala 3 times then he vanished thought I spooked him walked about 10 mins up the bank and came back with a minnow pattern rapala and he hit it first time he's on the menu for tonight tight lines everyone and happy fishing 🫡🫡🫡

Charles Flynn
Great day with the lads had a couple and the kids injoyed the day witch is more important 🫡🫡🫡

Charles Flynn
Had 7 today these 3 are the biggest of today sliced my hand getting one but all good 🎣🐟☝️🫡