Joseph McKoy At Trenton Lake
Joseph McKoy At Trenton Lake
Joseph McKoy At Trenton Lake
First time I’ve caught one of these.
Fishing with Lance At Lake Trenton
A pretty good morning sesh! Onto the evening. Let’s go!
Fishing with Lance At Lake Trenton
We put Bill on his first Black Crappie today in the weirdest weather ever. Lots of smoke blowing in from Canada but we managed a decent day!
Fishing with Lance At Lake Trenton
A great little slab session on the water with my brother and nephew this afternoon!
Fishing with Lance At Missouri River
Hot dang them Cayko boys can fish! What a great morning on the ice with my brother. 💪🏻🇺🇸🎄
Fishing with Lance At Trenton Lake
Target species acquired! Poor man’s lobster!