Mark Eberly At Snapper Creek Canal
Marco Garcia At Snapper Creek Canal
Got pops hooked on the artificial, he didn’t want to throw any bread lol 🍞 still managed to catch one of these guys. Lots of Jaguar Guapote in this area fyi…
Marco Garcia
Matching you Carlos Vera Used the papa John pizza bread suggested by @Rick Pérez
Marco Garcia
State Record Spotted Tilapia? Too bad there isnt one, I should have put some weights in it lol! Out to look for a bigger one!
Marco Garcia
Finally caught an Oscar! This is the species we used to catch off bridges when I was a kid. It seemed to be the only fish that we used to catch lol. Oh ya and catfish too! Im glad to see they are still into the bread, prettier than I remember them 🤩
Marco Garcia At Snapper Creek Canal
Caught an appropriately black old raggedy fish, after this shot I got the call my grandpa had passed. He has been sick for some time now in and out of hospitals, he taught me everything I know about the outdoors, fishing, hunting, nature all of it. I would not be the man I am today if it wasn’t for his guidance and support, I will forever cherish him in my thoughts and on the water. 🎣🖤🌅
raul iglesias
south florida
Cole Q.
Social isolation pea