Top Fishing Spots To Catch Longfin tilapia

Roy Davis
First fish on a fly for my son! We stopped counting peacocks after 15
Big O
Eddie Fernandez
Whew good time fishing at Squaw Creek Lake for 10 cats and 4 tilapias. Me 2.25lbs PB Mi lady Gina Skinner 2lbs PB
Got out for a few hours with the family. My daughter Layla making her first appearance on FishAngler and taking the glory with 2 tilapia.
Fished 2 spots today with my son. Lost 2 metal slugs and 3 rigs at the rocks then called it quits after 3 hours and multiple knots and rerigging. Went home and got the missus and toddler and went down the road to the dam. First bait and Alana landed a 40cm tilapia, her first ever fish. She also got a small spangled pearch and my son caught a catty. Stalls well and ends well. Nice day out 🤙🎣
Jack Townley
Put up a nice little fight! Nice fish
Roiz Anthony
Today afternoon, I just hooked up a nice Wild Tilapia with a good size. I used mosses as bait and it is extremely effective. Regards and Best Luck to all World Angler Community......Best Hobby.
Prudhvi Reddy
Testing new mini popup's working good, But Catch was slow. Species caught Tilapia & Baby Catla catch & release.