Top Fishing Spots To Catch Spiny butterfly ray

Leonardo Gravina rasma
Belo filhote de raia manteiga, logo após a soltura desse belo exemplar!
Megan T
First time out on the float tubes launched at dana landing! Took a little stroll behind seaworld and snagged on this little guy! My first stingray saved me from the skunk! 😁🥰 also Van got a little calico! Yay for no skunk!
Moe Money
Caught the biggest fish of my life while targeting some striped bass. I believe it was spiny/giant butterfly ray. Over 7.3ft (88inch) wide and we estimate over 350lbs. Almost 1hr to get to shore on 20lb test braid. Took three of us to release after some pics! Unbelievable fight of a lifetime.
Timotheus Harris
Huge butterfly ray caught on a piece of Spanish Mackerel.
Lucas Gorham
Something we don’t get much of on the gulf coast, my friends dad caught it, cool fish
Carlos Grille
This fish is a new species. The truth is that when I caught it, another fisherman from there who went to Barcelona to fish informed me that this fish is poisonous on the upper part of the fin.
Savage Drumstick
Wasn’t too bad
Thomas Balliet
Caught this ray on squid.