Recent Catches At Theewaterskloof

Christiaan Wheeler
Had a good day at Theewaters, 25 carp caught in 7 hours. Ranging between 500g and 2,8 kg Some photos of the worthwhile ones

Casper Rabie
First common at Theewaterskloof Dam on a very windy day.

Christiaan Wheeler
Weather was horrible (for humans) but the fish was amazing today at Theewaterskloofdam. Carp was very active. Day well spent

Schalk Coetzee

Martin Muller
Decided to test some new water while on vavay in Capetown. Had an excellent session in steong SE winds. Managed around 12 carp that we landed and lost around 6. Thry were after the musk and pineapple big time. What a jol

Justin Collocott
This was one hell of a night and soo much fun. Hitting in total 8 carp and 14 for the other guy that caught with me. #LetsGo

Herman Kriel

Herman Kriel