Recent Catches At River Kei

Byron Stanley
Amathole, Eastern Cape
Awesome fun with the lighties.

Dusky kob
13 lb 4 oz

Byron Stanley
Amathole, Eastern Cape
27 fish landed, a couple for the pan and majority safely released. Good Times!

Dusky kob
13 lb 5 oz

Byron Stanley
Amathole, Eastern Cape
Young Guns in on the action!

Dusky kob
15 lb 7 oz

Byron Stanley
Ticking off the species list for the holidays.

Smallspotted grunter
2 lb 3 oz

ryan uhlig
Nice little kob caught by the smallest fisherman on the boat after a very quiet session, her PB so far, safely released to get bigger for us for next time

Dusky kob
7 lb 9 oz

Peet Venter
Amathole, Eastern Cape
Nice catch in the river mouth

23 lb 2 oz