Recent Catches At Boesmans River

Herman Joubert

Herman Joubert

Daniel Leisegang
Went out this morning for a 45 min session with the prawns I had left over from the previous night. Luckily I was able to land this juvenile whity. Made my morning.

Daniel Leisegang
Was just about to pack up when this monster slammed my mud prawn. Abselute beauty and an incredible fight. Unfortunately I am leaving the eastern cape soon so this will be my last until December.

Ethan Jonker

Mitchell Cannon

Ethan JvR
Haven't posted in a bit. Got this lovely Garrick on an artificial a while back. I've made some stunning catches in the last while. Will try and post a couple👌

Brenda van den Heever
My biggest catch yet. Last cast before heading home. Still pumping a little adrenalin.