Recent Catches At Lake Powell

McCade Miller
First smallmouth

Beckam Swenson
Just got back from an awesome Lake Powell trip! Caught a ton of little striper and smallmouth.

Kendric White
First Bass in Utah new video coming out tommorw on Hookmaster. I also kayaker in the Colorado river by horseshoe bend.

Evan Inman
Pancake bluegill on lake powell! Had 30 mins to fish and caught this and a decent sized bass, but I unfortunately wasn’t able to get a pic of the bass. I could tell the minute I arrived that this was a good lake, and I’ll hopefully be able to come back in search of a monster! Tight lines!

Tommy Bettfreund
Good cat for a wensday afternoon

Tommy Bettfreund
My pb and I almost broke it

Tommy Bettfreund
Good stringer of striped bass for some fish tacos

Tommy Bettfreund
Little yum on a 8th ounce jig head can't go wrong