Recent Catches At McInish Park Pond

Jonathan Schuenemann

Joel Carrasquillo

Joel Carrasquillo

Joel Carrasquillo

Brandon Sadler
I landed a new PB this morning. It’s not only the biggest catfish I’ve ever caught, but it’s the biggest fish I’ve ever caught topping the 5 lb LMB that I caught in the Spring of last year. It hit my spinner bait hard as soon as it hit the water. I thought it was a monster bass at first. The fight was unreal and so much fun. What a rush! I was shaking afterwards from all of the adrenaline. Lol!

John Terrell
Been a rough go on yak so far. Took 4 outings to finally get a taker. Not what I expected or hoped for but it's a catch. 2023#69

Steve Murphy

Brandon Sadler