Recent Catches At Red River

John Docks
Just a baby but fun anyhow.

Nolan Bain
Needless to say I didn't catch anything after this guy...

Brittany Timbers

Gary Hornsby H$K
#Catch24 NO SIGNS OF ANY FISH FOR THE FIRST 30-45 MINS. I had just worked a good stretch of the creek, and I was not feeling too confident. I took a little break and found a rock that had been chipped and worked, so I decided to look a little more. A few steps and this nearly perfect arrowhead was right at my feet! SCORE! It was a great outing, to say the least! Keep em tight, fishers and friends!🎣👊

Gary Hornsby H$K
#Catch24 BARELY MADE IT BEFORE SUNSET! A little creek session yesterday evening. It was a rough day at work, and I couldn't wait to get to the water. Picked up 3 including this nice chunk of a Smallmouth! STRONG FIGHTER!💪 It's so hard to get a good picture with my phone in the fading daylight, so I took several! I don't know why the sky looks so bright. It was almost sunset! 🤣 Anyways, Life-balance restored!🤙 Have a great one, brothers and sisters!👊

Gary Hornsby H$K
#Catch24 PITSTOP! Picked up a 2 piece at the creek! Le Gille and Le Crapster! 🤘 HAPPY THUMPDAY, YALL! HAVE A GREAT ONE!👊

Gary Hornsby H$K
#Catch24 INTRODUCING, Le Gille!🤘

Gary Hornsby H$K