Recent Catches At Clinch River

Gary Hornsby H$K
MELTON HILL AND FT. LOUDON! While on vacation I also made it over to Melton Hill Dam and Fort Loudon to see if the Stripers were there. WELL... NO STRIPERS AND NO BAITFISH AT ALL AT MELTON HILL! I caught a Drum on a paddle tail to beat the skunk. Ft. Loudon was not looking good at all due to recent flooding. Straight RAGING CHOCOLATE MILK! But hey, I caught a Drum! 🤣🤘

Dylan Brewer

lillianrae bunch

Melissa Williams

Melissa Williams

Perfect Curve
3rd catch!! Another blue cat! Time to go home and eat😋

Perfect Curve
2nd catch, nice blue cat! Weight and length guesstimated

Perfect Curve
1st catch, Lil baby bass, tossed back