Recent Catches At Little Creek Reservoir

Got a couple on the noon bite, perfect topwater day.

Trying going to Kiest Lake but W. Manchester at Lamount is closed. So had to hit Wyatt Lake. Then the wind showed up so came got lunch on post.

Izayah Mills
Caught a few catfish in Wyatt Lake Fort Bragg, NC! Only bait needed is saltwater shrimp! I used frozen shrimp and they were biting the entire time!

Izayah Mills
Caught a massive (massive to me) 22 inch catfish in Wyatt Lake Fort Bragg, NC!

Anthony Yahzee
the stocked trout have moved one from power bait to worms

Anthony Yahzee
bottom rig, 1/4 oz slip weight

Anthony Yahzee
3 fish, bottom rig, 1/4 oz. slip weight, 2.5 foot leader 8lbs mono with 1/0 plain shank....any tips for fishing trout in creeks/rivers this winter I'm all ears