Recent Catches At Delaware River

Chad Cochran
Got out for a few hours and got a few smallmouths one weighed 3 lb 2 Oz all fish released unharmed

Chad Cochran
Got out for a few hours and got a ok walleye and a few smallmouths all fish released unharmed

Chad Cochran
Been semi slow on River water came up but now it’s going down got a few tho

Chad Cochran
Happy new year to all kicked off new year with a 16 walleye day all fish released unharmed

Chad Cochran
Good 1st day out we boated close to 40 walleyes and some bonus perch and fall fish was a great start to the new species season all fish released unharmed

Bronzeback Chazer
Finally had some time to get out and hunt down my favorite fish! I was privileged to have my brother in law and my nephew with me we had a great time the best part was watching my nephew reel in his first smallie 💯 💪🏻! The water was slightly murky and we caught around 14 really small fish around 1/2 pound to 1 pound. I took pics of the bigger fish they were 2 lbs to just under 4 lbs for the big one! All fish were released unharmed! It was a great night! 🎣💯💪🏻

Chet Nigowski

Brennan goin