Recent Catches At Heartland Shooting Center Pond

Francisco Romero
The first is my PB channel @ 29.5in, just 1/2 in away from master angler. Bittersweet.

Francisco Romero
First time I take her to catch cats... she catches 4 of them, 25-27 in.

Francisco Romero
Caught on pieces of bluegill. Mine was 27", my daughter's was 25". Caught several other small ones, plus a couple bass, and of course bluegill.

Kenneth Whelan
love this swimbait and love this place

Kenneth Whelan
another nice one

Kenneth Whelan
every cast I was getting hit

Kenneth Whelan
love this place

Kenneth Whelan
caught a total of 15 largemouth in about 2 hrs. not bad at all. all around 1.5 and 3lbs