Recent Catches At Mark Twain Lake

Just doing some bass fishing and caught this friendly guy (not) it kept trying to bit me lol. If we would of caught more keepers we would have definitely had him for dinner but we threw him back because he was the only one.

Jeffrey Simmons
Great day at mark Twain. Caught many of crappie and kept 15 between my buddy and I. Plus a bonus white bass.

Tres Kanatzar
A Couple LMBs

Wayne Cannon
Crappie 20 ft. on bottom

Mo Bass
caught 3 of these on Mark Twain today. I thought I had a pic of the biggest one, but I guess not.

Tyler Watkins
Good day out at Mark Twain Lake

Leon Raney
I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Labor Day today. Caught some bass out of deep water today that had some strange color to them. I'm assuming the pigment was light due to them being in the deep water out of the sun light.

Leon Raney
Mark Twain Lake flathead catfish from last June