Recent Catches At Mississippi River

Joe Wineburner

Tristen Tillman

Hunter Finley

Justin Tucker

Justin Tucker

Kayla Holtwick

Brayden Braun

Brandon .
(warning: explicit language in text and video) First, a PSA that I'm sure most folks on this app don't need; PICK UP YOUR DAMN TRASH! Catching fish today was great; spending over an hour carefully cutting a water snake free from a cast net was heartbreaking, and the poor thing'll still probably die from the injuries, exposure, and starvation that accumulated. Things live out here, pick up your fucking trash. 💜 🚨NEW SPECIES/CHILDHOOD MEMORY ALERT🚨Frustrations abounded, but we were determined to have a good time this morning, and a good time was had! 🎣 Finally knocked the river skunk out of the boat with our second ever freshwater drum, and our first goldeye! The first fish I ever caught was a drum from the Mississippi river; some 22ish years ago, with my uncle and one of my brothers out on a sandbar a few hundred miles upstream. Brought back some great memories. 💜 Also lots of cool bugs out today, like this eastern tiger swallowtail! Oh and hey, pick up your trash. (Or I will commit acts of violence against you. 🙏💜)