Recent Catches At Staring Lake

Nathan Dao
Can't get smaller than this.. caught 10 of these pest within 20 minutes...

rob helf
fine day!

Ben Nguyen
Not a bad day for fishing

BigFish InTheBackWoods
birthday catch off the pier

Zach Moreno
PB Bass! Screamed line like a Pike and fought like one too!

Zach Moreno
Friends near PB Pike! Fought for a good 5 mins and took off a couple times. Caught with 8lb mono!

Zach Moreno
First ever carp! I snagged into its back with a pike swimbait and it was the most intense fight by swimming under the rough and sharp edges of the dock while I had 12lb mono!

Zach Moreno
I don't know what happened yesterday but some old Russian guy who had a short temper with his wife stole my frickin fish! He just picked it up after I asked my friend for the pliers and after we tried to explain to him that we wanted to release it he just walked away with it and put it in his basket! What the heck!