Recent Catches At Club West Pond

Nick Booth
Anoka County, Minnesota
About a 26" northern today after a little largemouth. This guy put up one hell of a fight getting into the net and even after refused to stop thrashing. Caught using a top water whopper plopper 90.

Northern pike
3 lb 6 oz

Nick Booth
Anoka County, Minnesota
Largemouth off the crossing on my third or fourth cast using a top water over the weeds

Largemouth black bass

Devin Pekos
Anoka County, Minnesota
Nice lil pike on the opener

Northern pike

Josh Nelson
Anoka County, Minnesota
Matchbox car and snapping turtle. I suck at fishing.

1 lb

Devin Pekos
Anoka County, Minnesota
Nice looking bass. Put up a great fight. Also a great pond for fishing

Largemouth black bass
3 lb 2 oz